IPC Designers Council


"Charting the future of Printed Circuit Design for San Diego"

Star of India - San Diego, CA


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  SD Chapter Members
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 SDDC Designer / Membership List

Updated AUG 19,  2008


*Ray Aguilar Jeffrey A. Jenkins, C.I.D.
*Ben Allen Stephen Johnson, C.I.D.
*Valerie Anderson Tom Johnson, CID
 *Sharon Barclay (Moved to Hawaii) *Kevin Kimball
Steve Bench Rebecca LaBarge
Matthew Berggren *Michael P. Kingsley, C.I.D.
*Mark L. Blake, C.I.D.+ (moved to Arizona) *Dave Kendrick ( Moved to Orange County)
Ron Bishop *Tom Little
Ricardo Bondoc Debbie Maldonado
Mumtaz Y. Bora, C.I.D. *Greg Mattis - (Joined the Los Angeles Chapter)
*Bruce Brentlinger, C.I.D. *Gilbert Mayandia - (Joined the Orange County Chapter)
William R. Brooks, C.I.D.+ *Christopher Maybee
*Randy E Chase *Devee Miell
*Gene Carman *Terrence S. McGriff
Donald Carron, C.I.D. *Steve Milligan
Catherine L. Chester, C.I.D. *Mitch Morey, CID
*Kasey Cinciarelli-Kaplan *Richard W. Moore
*Claudia Cicchetti *Shelly Mundt
*Joe L. Cortez *Randy L. Nelson, C.I.D.
*Mike Creamer Kelly R. Nace
Michael R. Creeden, C.I.D.+ *Tony Ornelas
Christine Cyman, C.I.D.+ *Michael S. Palugod
*Brian Cyr, C.I.D.+ Tsunenobu Osawa
Kelly Dack,CID+ (Reno, NV) *Dwayne Preston, C.I.D.
*Quan Do *Joshua Patin
*Steve Devlin *Irah Quezon, C.I.D.
*Jack Dieterle *Manoj D. Rawalji
*Deborah D. Erikson, C.I.D. *Richard G. Rakiewicz
Ricardo Espinoza-Ibarra Clemente Reyes
 Elena Evans, C.I.D. *Steve Rhoton, C.I.D.
*James A. Feeley, C.I.D.+ *Sean Rundgren
*Michael Felkins, C.I.D. *Peter J. Serino
*Mark Fornes, C.I.D. Jill Sparrow-Koch, C.I.D.
Thomas Flodin *Karla M. Spitz
*John Foster, C.I.D. *Judy Sprinkle
*Daniel Franks, C.I.D. *Inge Stein
*Stephen Fruchtman *Mike Tex
*Steven Garrett, C.I.D.+ *Thomas J. Stillings
William J. Gebhardt, C.I.D. + *Michael P. Sullivan
*Yaseen Ghazanfar Bruce Summit
*Denise Gless Keo Summit
Leslie Gomez, C.I.D. + *Kelly Swanson
*Michael Goode, C.I.D. *Rick Swanson
*Michelle Granet *Lambert "Red" Taylor
Donnita Hall, C.I.D. *Steven R. Toothacre, C.I.D.  - dec'd Jan. 24, 2005
Tom J. Hausherr, C.I.D.+ Duong Tong
Lucas Hausherr, CID *Mark E. Vikander, C.I.D.
*Ronald J. Haynie *Bernard Voss
*Steven L. Henderson *Pat Wall
*James C. Hicks, C.I.D. + *Mark Washington
*Warren Higgins, C.I.D.
* indicates inactive member or membership dues not received. 30 Active members out of 101 designers
To renew your membership <click here> Dues are $50 a year.


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