IPC Designers Council


"Charting the future of Printed Circuit Design for San Diego"

Star of India - San Diego, CA


Last update:



Minutes 6-25-02

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 SDDC Minutes June 25, 2002


bulletMeeting Minutes for SDDC General Meeting of June 25, 2002


Location - Overland Storage, Inc., 4820 Overland Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123 Tel: (858) 571-5555



Time 6:00PM

Core group members attending:
Leslie Gomez, President
Bill Brooks, Web/Communications Officer
Bill Gebhardt, Treasurer
Elena Morse, Education Officer

Attending – See Photo - Steve Toothacre, Pete Mullin, Tom Kearney, Lori Lesnick, John Foster, Elena Morse, Keo Summit, Joe Cortez, Jami Smith, Gary Smith, Rich Hagan, Michael Flekins, Barb Cartek, Haydee McCullough, Yaseen Ghazanfar, Michael Palugod, Dave Kendrick, Cherry Yan, Mitch Morey, Noah Baldwin, Dave Catanzaro, Randy Nelson, Ben Allen, Mumtaz Bora, Debbie Maldonado, and Sean Rundgren.



Meeting Agenda-
6:00PM Island Bros. Terriaki Chicken/Beef  dinner arranged by SDDC, Drinks and meeting room provided by Overland Storage.
6:30PM Meeting call to order - New business, announcements
6:45PM Tony Shoot of Tyco Printed Circuits Group, on "BGA Routing Strategies"

8:30PM Meeting adjourned




A power point presentation of Tony Shoots discussion on BGA Routing Techniques is available from Pete Mullin of Prism Associates. To obtain a copy contact Pete at prismsd@cloud80.net or Phone him at 619-708-1389.


Mr. Tony Shoot is the Sr. Applications Engineer at Tyco Printed Circuit Group, West Coast Operations. Tony has 21 years experience in the Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Industry. You can contact Tony at:



We want to thank Overland Storage for letting us use their fine facilities to hold our meeting!


Thanks to all who attended for a great meeting. Your involvement and support makes the San Diego Chapter a valuable asset to the San Diego PCB Design community. We look forward to seeing all of you at our next meeting!





Copyright © 2002 San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council

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