IPC Designers Council


"Charting the future of Printed Circuit Design for San Diego"

Star of India - San Diego, CA


Last update:



Aug 2002

FAQ Location





  SDDC Meetings and Events





San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council is pleased to present the following:


Tuesday, August 20th, 2002

@ 6PM

Gareth Parry


HDI - Advanced Interconnection



HDI - Advanced Interconnection:

A comprehensive look at the world of HDI & Microvias. Learn how to utilize this technology more effectively. The presentation includes design constraints, stackup options, cost drivers and DFM considerations.


Gareth will also be prepared to demonstrate Valor-Enterprise 3000, which is the DFM software that Coretec's FAE's us to assist designers prior to sending Gerbers off for fabrication.


Gareth Parry, BSc., P.Eng., F.A.E.

Co-Director of Field Application Engineering at Coretec. Gareth is a Professional Engineer with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. With over 20 years experience in the printed circuit, he will discussing Advanced Interconnect Technology this evening.




Hosted by the San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council



This event will be held at:


Overland Storage
4820 Overland Avenue                                           

San Diego, California 92123                                    






From Los Angeles:                                              


 From the 5 Fwy south, take the 805 Fwy South exit on the left. 

 Approximately 6 miles later, exit at the Clairemont Mesa Blvd. 

 West/Clairemont Mesa Blvd. East exit. Go East. Turn right onto 

 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Turn right onto Overland Avenue. Overland

 Data is located on the right side of Overland Avenue. 


From the Border on I-5 North:                                  


 From the 5 Fwy North, take the 15 Fwy North exit towards       

 Riverside for approx. 3 miles. Then take the 805 Fwy North exit

 towards Los Angeles. Turn a slight left at the intersection of 

 I-8 East/I-8 West ramp to stay on the 805 Fwy North. Take the  

 163 Fwy North towards Escondido. Exit at the Clairemont Mesa   

 Blvd. West/Clairemont Mesa Blvd. East exit. Go East. Keep right

 at the fork in the ramp. Turn right onto Clairemont Mesa Blvd. 

 Turn right onto Overland Avenue. Overland Data is located on   

 the right side of Overland Avenue.                             


 From I-15 going South:                                         


 Take the Clairemont Mesa Blvd. exit and turn right onto        

 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Turn left onto Overland Avenue. Overland Data is located on the right side of Overland Avenue.

 RSVP to sandiego_ipc@mailbox.as prior to Monday, Aug 19th, 2002.

* Dinner will be served!! @ 6:00PM *

IPC Designers Council Members will be admitted free of charge, Non-Members will be asked to contribute a $5.00 donation at the door. Contributors will get a $5.00 discount applied to their membership should they decide to join the IPC Designers Council at the event. 
More information about the IPC Designers Council is available on-line at http://www.ipc.org/SanDiego/  or http://dc.ipc.org/





Copyright © 2002 San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council

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