IPC Designers Council


"Charting the future of Printed Circuit Design for San Diego"

Star of India - San Diego, CA


Last update:



Nov 2003

FAQ Location





  SDDC Meetings and Events





San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council is pleased to present the following:


Wednesday Nov 19th, 2003

@ 6PM

Bill Brooks, CID, CII



Obsolete Chip Replacement - A Design Strategy



Many designs need to have a product life for 10 years or longer. Military Products, Microwave transceivers, Cell sites, utility installations that can supported for years beyond the sale. Supporting or manufacturing a long term product can be difficult if you don't have access to the parts. The problem arises when IC manufacturers see a drop in sales for specific IC's that you have designed into your product and they find it difficult to justify continuing making the specific chip. This leaves your long life product without a source for parts. What can you do? Buy from Grey Market vendors? Make life time buys of parts and stock them for years, and then what? What if you CAN'T get the part? Do you redesign the product? Do you just give up and stop supporting or manufacturing it? Bill will discuss an answer to this design problem that will work for most long term products and you can do it too!




Biography of William (Bill) R. Brooks, CID, CII

Bill Brooks has been a PCB designer for over 30 years. He started working with printed circuits in 1970 in a small prototype PCB shop in Vista California. Bill has worked as a PCB fabricator, an electronics technician, a mechanical designer during his career and has a depth of experience to draw upon. Bill worked with many types of circuits in his career including RF, Microwave, VHF, UHF, Digital, Analog, Switcher power supplies, Cellular technology, military, commercial, industrial, consumer electronics, cable television, satellite telecommunications, fire safety, industrial controls, internet based electronics, deep sea applications, telemetry, direction finding, radar instrumentation, test equipment... and more. Bill Brooks received his certification as a CID in 2000, and went on to qualify as a CID instructor in 2002. Bill was invited to compete in the PCB WEST Top Gun PCB two day design competition in 2000 and published an article in PCB Design Magazine in February of 2002 entitled 'Unlocking Legacy Designs'. Bill taught PCB design in community college and is an active member of many of the IPC Designers Council committees and has been on the San Diego Chapter Board of Directors for over 3 years. Bill is currently a PCB Design Engineer in Vista, Ca. and is working on HF and VHF military and emergency 2 way radios for Titan, Datron World Communications Division. Their website is at http://www.dtwc.com



Meeting Agenda:

bullet 6:00-6:30 Dinner - (be prompt or you miss out!)
bullet 6:30-6:45 SDDC announcements, business, and introductions
bullet 6:45-7:45 – Bill Brooks, CID, CII – Obsolete Chip Replacement - A Design Strategy
bullet 7:45 – 8:00 - Questions and Answers
bullet 8:00 Adjourn


Hosted by the San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council



This event will be held at:


Overland Storage
4820 Overland Avenue                                           

San Diego, California 92123                                    






From Los Angeles:                                              


 From the 5 Fwy south, take the 805 Fwy South exit on the left. 

 Approximately 6 miles later, exit at the Clairemont Mesa Blvd. 

 West/Clairemont Mesa Blvd. East exit. Go East. Turn right onto 

 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Turn right onto Overland Avenue. Overland

 Storage is located on the right side of Overland Avenue. 


From the Border on I-5 North:                                  


 From the 5 Fwy North, take the 15 Fwy North exit towards       

 Riverside for approx. 3 miles. Then take the 805 Fwy North exit

 towards Los Angeles. Turn a slight left at the intersection of 

 I-8 East/I-8 West ramp to stay on the 805 Fwy North. Take the  

 163 Fwy North towards Escondido. Exit at the Clairemont Mesa   

 Blvd. West/Clairemont Mesa Blvd. East exit. Go East. Keep right

 at the fork in the ramp. Turn right onto Clairemont Mesa Blvd. 

 Turn right onto Overland Avenue. Overland Storage is located on   

 the right side of Overland Avenue.                             


 From I-15 going South:                                         


 Take the Clairemont Mesa Blvd. exit and turn right onto        

 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Turn left onto Overland Avenue. Overland Storage is located on the right side of Overland Avenue.

 RSVP to bbrooks@dtwc.com  prior to Tues, Nov 18th, 2003. 

* Dinner will be served!! @ 6:00PM *

IPC Designers Council Members will be admitted free of charge, Non-Members will be asked to contribute a $5.00 donation at the door. Contributors will get a $5.00 discount applied to their membership should they decide to join the IPC Designers Council at the event. 
More information about the IPC Designers Council is available on-line at

http://dcchapters.ipc.org/SanDiego/ or http://dc.ipc.org/





Copyright © 2003 San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council

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