IPC Designers Council


"Charting the future of Printed Circuit Design for San Diego"

Star of India - San Diego, CA


Last update:



Sep 2005

FAQ Location





  SDDC Meetings and Events





San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council is pleased to present the following:


Wednesday SEP 28th, 2005

@ 6:00PM



Dr. Sandy Kumar


American Standard Circuits



"Advanced Interfacial Materials for Thermal Management of Printed Circuit Mounted Electronic Devices"






"Dr. Sandy Kumar will lead the discussion in an open forum on the materials now available, some through the use of nanotechnology, that are being applied to the thermal management of devices used in many modern printed circuit designs. Emphasis will be placed on tapping the recent advances in materials science to solve thermal management issues in electronic packaging. Many designers and engineers need to deal with the higher thermal requirements of today's modern electronic components and are challenged by the demand for ever smaller footprints or enclosures with little regard for the thermal requirements necessary to operate these components on the available epoxy/glass laminates.

The 'round table' style discussion format will facilitate audience involvement, discussion, questions and answers and specific problem solving along with education on the possible solutions available to designers today. Be sure to invite your fellow Mechanical and Electrical Engineers to attend as well. The thermal questions and solutions will be of particular interest to them too! "



Dr. Sandy Kumar is the Director of Technology at American Standard Circuits, Franklin Park, IL. He has spent the last 25 years in advanced materials processing technologies related to semiconductor devices, printed circuits, ceramic composites including nano-materials, solar energy conversion, and conducting polymers. He is a certified six-sigma black belt and holds a Ph.D. in materials science from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) New Delhi.

Dr. Kumar has recently developed and patented a thermally conducting bonding adhesive called Thermasil. He is currently working on providing thermal management solutions in printed circuits used for RF devices, electronic power supplies, automotive parts and any heat generating electronic components that require efficient cooling.

At American Standard Circuits, Dr. Kumar is managing R&D activities on thermal management in PCBs, fine line mill-and-fill circuits, embedded passives, and rigid-flex circuits, using various dielectrics like PTFE composites, FR4, polyimide and lead free laminates. He has published over 50 research and technical papers related to various materials issues in thin film devices.

Before joining American Standard Circuits, he was a senior process engineer at Honeywell Electronic Materials (ASTI), Costa Mesa, CA and as R&D manager at Filtran Microcircuits, Ottawa, Canada. From 1985 to 1990, he worked in France as a research associate and then associate professor of materials science (semiconductor materials) at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) in Lyons.

He can be reached at skumar@asc-i.com



About American Standard Circuits:


ASC manufactures quality printed circuit boards on various types of substrates for a variety of applications. These products can go in high speed computing, high frequency telecommunication ranging from aerospace to deep space, defense, LEDs and other heat sink automotive electronics, and navigation devices – right from small test and prototype quantities to large volume production. More...


Meeting Agenda:

bullet 6:00PM  -  Dinner

6:30PM - Announcements and introduction

bullet 6:45PM  - Dr. Sandy Kumar presentation - "Advanced Interfacial Materials..."
bullet 7:45PM - Questions and Answers
bullet 8:00PM - Adjourn


Hosted by the San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council



This event will be held at:


Hallmark Circuits

13500 Danielson Street
Poway, CA 92064
(858) 513-2200
1. Take the I-15 from the North or South
4 Exit at Scripps Poway Parkway - go 1.5 mi
5. Turn left at Parkway Centre Dr - go 0.1 mi
6. Turn right at Danielson St - go 0.0 mi








 RSVP to mailto:bbrooks@dtwc.com  by Tuesday, Sep 26th, 2005. 


IPC Designers Council Members will be admitted free of charge, Non-Members will be asked to contribute a $5.00 donation at the door. Contributors will get a $5.00 discount applied to their membership should they decide to join the IPC Designers Council at the event. 

More information about the IPC Designers Council is available on-line at http://www.ipcdesignerscouncil.org or http://dcchapters.ipc.org/SanDiego



Copyright © 2005 San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council

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