IPC Designers Council


"Charting the future of Printed Circuit Design for San Diego"

Star of India - San Diego, CA


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Minutes Aug-09-06

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 SDDC Minutes August 9, 2006


bulletMeeting Minutes for SDDC General Meeting of August 9, 2006


Location - Pan Dimensional Services, Inc, 4205 Ponderosa Ave., San Diego, CA 92123



Time 6:00PM

Attending – Bill Gebhardt, Christine Cyman, Tom Hausherr, Leslie Gomez, Luke Hausherr,  Alex Creeden,  Ron Bishop, Jon Martinez,  Bruce Summit,  Inge Stein, John Foster, Grace Ross, Greg Mattis, Brian Cyr, Bret Farady,  Veronika Anderson,   Mary Stock Jungman, Bill Brooks, Frank Jungman.




Meeting Agenda-
6:00PM Greek Food and drinks provided by Pan Dimensional Services.
6:30PM Meeting call to order - New business, announcements by Leslie Gomez.
6:45PM Frank and Mary Jungman -  "Circuit Board Nightmares - How to Avoid Them"

7:45PM Factory tour

8:15PM Raffle drawing for camera - Winner - Greg Mattis!
8:30PM Meeting adjourned



We had a lively discussion of design related assembly issues with boards ranging from the use of fiducials to lead free issues, assembly panel design, rework access for parts, moisture absorption of components, what to do with x-outs on panels - and much more.





Thanks to all who attended for a great meeting. Your involvement and support makes the San Diego Chapter a valuable asset to the San Diego PCB Design community. We look forward to seeing all of you at our next meeting!


Bill Brooks, SDDC Chapter secretary





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