IPC Designers Council


"Charting the future of Printed Circuit Design for San Diego"

Star of India - San Diego, CA


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 SDDC Minutes August 20, 2002


bulletMeeting Minutes for SDDC General Meeting of August 20, 2002


Location - Hallmark Circuits.,



Time 6:00PM

Core group members attending:
Leslie Gomez, President
Bill Brooks, Web/Communications Officer
Elena Morse, Education Officer

Attending – Christine Cyman, Tom Hausherr, Luke Hausherr, Mumtaz Bora,  Chris Lyle,Sarah Loynd, Michael R. Creeden, Alex Creeden  Jon Martinez, Joe Cortez, Bruce Summit, Keo Summit , Dwayne Domi, Kelly Swanson,  Inge Stein, John Foster, Rick Norfolk, John Laborde,  John Medina, Bao Phan, Ron Bishop, Rick Bondoc, Glenn Roger, Veronika Anderson.




Meeting Agenda-
6:00PM Island Bros. Teriyaki Chicken/ dinner, Drinks and meeting room provided by Hallmark.
6:30PM Meeting call to order - New business, announcements by Leslie Gomez.
6:45PM Rick Norfolk, of Hallmark Circuits on Controlled Impedance, from the Fabricator's Point-of-View

9:00PM Meeting adjourned





A power point presentation of Rick Norfolk's discussion on Controlled Impedance is available by clicking this downoad. --->>> Controlled Impedance Presentation


Rick Norfolk - Applications Engineer for Hallmark Circuits

13500 Danielson Street
Poway, CA. 92064

(858) 513-2200  ext/ 8760




Leslie Gomez introduced our guest speaker and started introductions around the room...


Rick Norfolk spoke to the packed room for an hour on the issues faced by manufactures in controlling impedance on printed circuit boards and gave the audience insight into the process and pitfalls of communicating design intent and getting the desired results. Hallmark has some great tools for modeling board impedance and Rick encouraged designers to work with their vendors to get the desired results rather than trying to specify exact stack up combinations and tying the hands of the manufacturer.


Many layer illustrations and construction details were covered in the presentation. All in attendance were very interested in the subject matter and many took notes.


A 50/50 raffle was held and the winner was Glenn Roger of Rokenbok Toy Co. who received 27 dollars prize money.

The remainder of the pot went to the Christmas party fund.


Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM


We want to thank Hallmark Circuits for letting us use their fine facilities to hold our meetings and for providing the drinks for our member visitors and guests.


Thanks to all who attended for a great meeting. Your involvement and support makes the San Diego Chapter a valuable asset to the San Diego PCB Design community. We look forward to seeing all of you at our next meeting!


Bill Brooks, SDDC Chapter secretary





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