IPC Designers Council


"Charting the future of Printed Circuit Design for San Diego"

Star of India - San Diego, CA


Last update:



DEC 2007

FAQ Location





  SDDC Meetings and Events



A Special Event


Palomar Community College, San Marcos, CA


San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council is pleased to present the following:



Tuesday, December 4th, 2007 @ 6:30PM



Martyn Gaudion


Polar Instruments Ltd.

Guernsey, UK




"Impedance control on multiple dielectric builds"


An introduction to getting the best impedance controlled yields by taking into account the "real world" dielectric layers in PCBs, including explanations as to why even FR4 builds should be treated as though they are actually composed of multiple dielectric regions.


Bonus topic (if time available) An introduction to lossy PCB transmission lines. An informal introduction to the topic of PCB transmission line losses, and why they will need increasing understanding over the next decade.










About Martyn Gaudion:


Martyn Gaudion is Sales & Marketing director of Polar Instruments Ltd. in Guernsey, UK. He began his career at Tektronix in the early 1980’s where he was responsible for test engineering on high bandwidth portable oscilloscopes. He then moved to lead the introduction of surface mount production processes during 1988. Gaudion joined Polar in 1990 where he was responsible for the design and development of the Toneohm 950, Polar’s multilayer PCB short circuit locator. During 1994 he moved to applications support for Polar’s range of PCB faultfinding systems. He became marketing manager at Polar during 1997 as the market for controlled impedance test became a major section of Polar’s product range and was appointed Sales & Marketing director in January 2001. Gaudion has been published in a number of PCB industry journals and regularly contributes to IPC High Speed High Frequency standards committees.




Who should attend?


PCB Designers, Electrical Engineers, Component Engineers, Manufacturing Engineers, anyone who has to deal with Impedance Controlled Printed Circuits...



RAFFLE!!!! There will be a Raffle at the event. (Must be present to win)

Prizes = Titleist golf balls (two three-packs); USB memory sticks (two); Starbucks coffee gift cards (two at $25); and Doug the Polar bear.


Meeting Agenda:


bullet6:00PM  -  Food and Drinks and Raffle Tickets
bullet6:30PM  -  Announcements and introduction

6:35PM  -  Impedance control on multiple dielectric builds -  Martyn Gaudion

bullet 7:45PM  -  Q&A  - Raffle Awards
bullet8:00M  -  Adjourn


Hosted by the San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council



This event will be held at:


Palomar College, Room E13
1140 West Mission Road
San Marcos, California 92069-1487

(760) 744-1150

Maps <<< Click here


Parking permits can be picked up at the CAMPUS Police office located at the Main Entrance or use the Visitor Parking Lots 1 and 2 after 6 PM near the main entrance which do not require a pass... See the maps of the college on the web based flyer or the Palomar college website.



From I-15 going west
From I-15, take Hwy 78 to the Las Posas Road exit in San Marcos.
Go right on Las Posas Road where it intersects with Mission Road. 
Turn right; go east one-half mile on Mission Road.  Palomar is on your left.

From I-5 going east
From I-5, take Hwy 78 to the Las Posas Road exit in San Marcos.
Turn right onto Grand Ave.
Go right on Las Posas Road where it intersects with Mission Road. 
Turn right; go east one-half mile on Mission Road.  Palomar is on your left.


Palomar College
1140 West Mission Road
San Marcos, CA 92069
(760) 744-1150



 RSVP to mailto:wbrooks@dtwc.com  by Monday, December 3rd, 2007. Space is limited so get your RSVP IN right away.


IPC Designers Council Members will be admitted free of charge, Non-Members will be asked to contribute a $5.00 donation at the door. Contributors will get a $5.00 discount applied to their membership should they decide to join the IPC Designers Council at the event. 

More information about the IPC Designers Council is available on-line at http://dcchapters.ipc.org/SanDiego/  or http://dc.ipc.org/




Copyright © 2007 San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council

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