IPC Designers Council


"Charting the future of Printed Circuit Design for San Diego"

Star of India - San Diego, CA


Last update:



MAY 2007

FAQ Location





  SDDC Meetings and Events



A Special Event


Del Mar Electronics Show, San Diego, CA




San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council is pleased to present the following:



Wednesday May 2nd, 2007@ 1:00PM


Lee Ritchey



 presenting the Keynote Address:


"What Happens When Things Get Fast...?"



  'In the presentation we take a real signal path from a super computer and run it slow... and then speed it up to show what happens to the signal in the way of degradation...

  Since I use a simulator to do this, I can remove skin effect loss, dielectric loss and other features one at a time, so the degradation caused by each one is made visible. The tricks needed to get signals to go fast are part of the presentation.  The final speed of the signal path is 5.2 Gb/S over 4 meters of cable... pretty fast and pretty long.' - Lee Ritchey, The Speeding Edge


Author of


Right the First Time Image       


Right the First Time, A Practical Handbook for High Speed PCB and System Design
is the premier publication of Speeding Edge. The book describes all of the principles involved in high-speed
design such as transmission line management, signal integrity, power subsystem design, PCB materials and EMI control. While geared towards engineering professionals, the book is of significant value to anyone making business decisions relative to designing and implementing high-speed systems.





About Lee Ritchey:


LEE RITCHEY, BSEE, is owner of Speeding Edge, a consulting firm specializing in high-speed design consulting and training.

Lee Ritchey is currently working with major suppliers of gigabit and beyond internet products as well as a variety of wireless products. He has 30+ years experience in the packaging of high performance equipment from microwave satellites to supercomputers.

Until recently, Lee was Director of Packaging Engineering at 3Com Corporation, a major network equipment supplier. Lee is currently working full time as a consultant to several major manufacturers of Gigabit and higher Ethernet products.

[In December 1998, EE Times profiled Lee Ritchey in its People 98 section, characterizing him as "high-speed design's ratchet man," and stating that "anyone who wants to learn the ins and outs of high-speed board design can't do much better than to turn to Lee Ritchey..." Lee was one of 19 technical gurus recognized by EE Times as major drivers and innovators in their fields, specifically CAD/CAE tools for simulation and design of PCBs.]*

He is on the editorial review board for Printed Circuit Design Magazine and is a regular contributor of design articles to a variety of publications. He has taught his High Speed Design course to more than 3000 engineers and designers in several countries. He is a regular lecturer at the Printed Circuit Design Conference, the IPC conferences and at UC Berkeley Engineering Extension.


This event will be held in the Paddock room at the Mexican Square across from the main registration tent.





Who should attend?


PCB Designers, Electrical Engineers,  Electrical Engineering professionals anyone who wants to work with High Speed Printed Circuits...



RAFFLE and Door Prizes!!!! (Must be present to win)

There will be copies of Lee Ritchey's latest sequel book, "Right the First Time" Vol 2... You could win a Sirius Radio provided by the San Diego Designers Council Chapter or one of 2 Altium Live Design kits provided by Altium!

Or... you could win an  IPC-7351A Land Pattern Calculator ($275 value) from PCB Libraries


Meeting Agenda:


bullet1:00PM  -  Refreshments and Raffle Tickets
bullet1:15PM  -  Lee Ritchey - "What Happens When Things Get Fast...?"

2:45PM  -  Raffle Drawing


3:00PM  -  Adjourn


Hosted by the San Diego Chapter of the IPC Designers Council



This event will be held at:


Del Mar Electronics Show

Del Mar Fairgrounds
2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd
San Diego, California

Phone: (858) 459-1682

Free Registration for Del Mar Electronics Show <<< Click here


Visit our Booth #124 in the Bing Crosby Hall

Maps <<< Click here


Show Location

The Del Mar Fairgrounds is located 20 miles north of downtown
San Diego, at 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. in the city of
Del Mar, California.

From coastal San Diego, take Interstate 5 north to the
Via De La Valle turn-off. Take Via De La Valle west to
Jimmy Durante Blvd. and turn left. The entrance to the
Fairgrounds will be on your right.

From inland San Diego, take interstate 15 to 78 west. From 78
take interstate 5 south to the Via De La Valle turn-off. Take
Via De La Valle west to Jimmy Durante Blvd. and turn left.
The entrance to the Fairgrounds will be on your right.

From the east county, take Interstate 8 west to 805 north to
Interstate 5 north. Exit at the Via De La Valle turn-off. Take
Via De La Valle west to Jimmy Durante Blvd. and turn left.
The entrance to the Fairgrounds will be on your right.


Parking is Free!

Admission is Free!


 RSVP to mailto:wbrooks@dtwc.com  by Monday, April 30th, 2007. Space is limited so get your RSVP IN right away.


Apply online for membership in the IPC Designers Council ->>> APPLY NOW


or download a pdf of the membership application that can be faxed or mailed.



IPC Designers Council Members will be admitted free of charge, Non-Members will be asked to contribute a $5.00 donation at the door. Contributors will get a $5.00 discount applied to their membership should they decide to join the IPC Designers Council at the event. 

More information about the IPC Designers Council is available on-line at http://www.ipc.org/SanDiego/  or http://dc.ipc.org/


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