Printed Circuit Design CAD Programs
Note: This list does not represent ALL Printed Circuit Design Programs. If you would like to see your favorite program listed, send an e-mail to me at webmaster@pcbwizards.com
CAD Component Libraries
PCB Libraries.com
- CAD Programs
Accel/P-CAD Technologies
- Creators of Tango PCB Design Software and ACCEL EDA ACCEL, originally founded in 1983, became a wholly owned subsidiary of Protel International Limited in January 2000. Purchased PCAD in the early 90's. Now all under the umbrella of Altium.
Advanced CAM Technologies, Inc.
- Artwork File Viewer Software - makers of ECAM On-line. A division of PADS Software, Inc.
Advanced Microcomputer Systems, Inc.
- Maker of Circuit Creator and Board Creator PCB Design Software. Inexpensive ($300) full featured Windows 98 board design tool.
- Creators Protel software, the Altium corporation offers many EDA product options. Their Protel software has a large portion of the European market and is widely used around the globe.. In America they are up and coming... and they appeal to the smaller business that cannot afford the much more expensive Mentor or Cadence solution.
- Creators of the Libra program which allows the user to create 'printed components' like printed inductors, filters, mixers, power dividers, couplers, and a host of other etched microwave features.
Artwork Conversion Software
- Small company that makes PCB CAD design translators and support software. Employees 13, Annual Revenue $2.0M, Number of Programs 32, Price range $495 to $7500.
AutoDesk AutoCad
- One of the earliest CAD programs that was able to do PCB Design...retails in the 3K range....Definately a support program for most PCB designers... Fab and Assembly drawings just wouldn't be the same without it. Also used heavily by Microwave designers on a budget... Although I hear Mentor is working it's way into that market...stay tuned.
Cadence Design Systems
- One of the LARGEST Electronic Engineering and PCB Design Software Vendors. Bought Cooper & Chan's SPECTRA Router technology and recently ORCAD in Beaverton, Oregon. Placed 1st in the PCB DESIGN WEST Benchmark competition, Mar 2000.
- Broad Spectrum of products and services..
- Also, they have a help page for SPECCTRA users at http://www.specctra.com/
CadSoft Online
- Makers of EAGLE(WARE) PCB Design Software. In the $500 range per seat. Offers a FREEWARE version on-line.
Circuit Maker (Altium)
Free software download - education version
CADINT - offers upgrade to EE Designer III - low cost design package.
- From Denmark - free software trial
download - Imports Mentor and DDE-EDA
Supermax ECAD
ExpressPCB -
free software to design PCB's
Electronic Workbench - Has an
educational version... Does simulation and board
Graphicode, Inc.
- Gerber based PCB CAM and viewer software.
- ZUKEN Redac Design Software Vendor purchased INCASES in MARCH 2000.
Ivex Design International
- Makers of Winboard PCB Design Software, a lower cost PC based solution.
Mentor Graphics
- CAE Guru and maker of Mentor Board Station, with the recent purchase of VeriBest's new Autorouter...another Big Gun in the PCB Design Industry. Mentor's Expedition is ranked among the best in the industry, in a tie with Cadence Allegro.
PADS Software, Inc.
- One of the more popular PCB Design Software packages, PADS 2000. Recently debut of their new BLAZE Router to help free them from Cadence and the SPECCTRA Router. Purchased by Mentor Graphics in 2003.
- Recent new owner of ACCELL Technologies, (who says you can't buy a customer base...) A mid range (about 6K a seat) full EDA package with Schematic Capture, Board layout, Auto Router, and Simulation, easy to use, intuitive interface...(and my preference for features vs. dollars)
- Recent Like Tango PCB, PROCAD has been around for years and years. Good service from the Interactive CAD systems personnel and a capable system... grew alongside Orcad, Tango, Pcad, as a DOS based solution on the PC. It's now a Windows compatible program and is still in use.
- Turn-key service provides free software for Design.
- Turn-key service provides free software for Design.
Sage EDA
- Makers of EXPERT PCB Design Software. Another Low Cost vendor bites the dust....
Supermax EDA
- Makers of SuperMax E-CAD PCB Design Software. Also runs on RED HAT LINUX.
VeriBest, Inc.
- AKA Mentor now... This group has really come down the road, Based in Boulder, Co., They were originally called CADNETIX, later bought by Daisy Systems to become DAZIX, and then purchased by Intergraph in Hunstville, AL who most recently sold them to Mentor. They make an excellent tool, hopefully they have found a home with Mentor's Expedition product.
- Makers of EE Designer III and EDWin 95 PCB Design software. - another one bites the dust...
WinBoard PCB???
Word has it that these guys are out of
business... so there is no support for this
software... buyer beware... One guy told me
he's stuck with software that doesn't work
except on Win 95 and no support...be
carefull when you think you are getting a
- Makers of CADSTAR PCB Design Software. Been around for many years with a loyal following... another big player in the industry.
Mechanical 2D and 3D CAD Programs
AutoCAD Solidworks
Rhinocerous 3D Nurbs modeling
CAD Translators
Router Solutions
Obsolete Cad systems
Tango - Accel Technologies - later bought
PCAD and then was bought by Protel who became
Cadnetix - ( later became Dasix, and then
Veribest - bought by Mentor)
ComputerVision CADDS 4X - bought by Parametric Technology ( Pro/Engineer )
OmniCards -
(Task Technologies, Inc. of Rochester,
disappeared around the early to mid 90's)
(Hewlett Packard - disappeared around the early
to mid 90's)